Gazco Sheraton 5 gas stove, shown with Claremont White Stone mantel Could You Save Energy With Zonal Heating? [2024 Update]

Could You Save Energy With Zonal Heating? [2024 Update]

Owning and running a modern Gazco electric fireplace or gas stove fire in 2024 doesn't have to be an expensive endeavour. In fact, when utilised as part of a zonal heating solution one of these state-of-the-art electric stoves or gas fireplaces could actually save energy and lower your heating costs this winter. In this blog post we cover the topic of zonal heating and what you need to know.

If you’re looking for ways to reduce your energy usage and save money on your gas bill, one way to keep warm for less is to focus on an underutilised method of keeping your home warm, called zonal heating.

What is zonal heating?

Zonal heating is the practice of heating individual rooms to the temperature you want, at that specific time. What that means is that if you find yourself feeling the chill of an evening, instead of heating the whole house and wasting energy warming rooms not in use, you could save money by heating just the space you plan to occupy for that time.

How much does it cost to run a Gazco gas or electric stove?

Calculating how much it costs to run your stove is simple and straightforward using the following formulas.

Appliance input (kW) x Time in hours (h) = Energy used (kWh)

Energy used (kWh) x Cost per kWh (£) = Cost of energy used (£)

To raise awareness of just how little it really costs to use a gas or electric stove or fire for zonal heating, we’ve put together a helpful guide with some examples for popular models which have been calculated using the above formula.

What savings can be made?

A high-efficiency gas fire from Gazco is designed to save on energy usage, whilst offering an impressive performance – the Logic HE Conventional Flue coal-effect 16” gas fire for example. Designed to fit a standard British fireplace opening, and offering a 3.8kW heat output, this fire comes in at costing just 53p3 for four hours of ambience and heat in a localised space. Or, if running on high continuous heating for one hour only, just 26p.

Meanwhile, a Gazco electric stove or fire can offer impressive flame visuals that can be enjoyed with or without the heat such as the impressive eStudio electric fire. Perfect for media wall installations, and offering up to 2kW of heat output, these stunning media wall electric fires can still offer great savings when used for zonal heating, costing just 91p4 for four hours of flame visuals and thermostatically maintained heating. Alternatively if you just need to take the chill off, one hour of low continuous heat is just 23p. Perhaps you prefer to enjoy the ambience of the flames without any heat at all, and in this case this can cost as little as a penny for four hours.

What makes a Gazco stove or fire a great solution for zonal heating?

Whether you already own or are considering a high efficiency gas or electric stove or fire, coupling zonal heating with one of Gazco’s high-performance, efficient gas or electric log burners, could save you a lot on energy.

Every Gazco appliance is designed to be as highly efficient as possible, utilising a number of innovative energy saving systems and technologies. Utilising state-of-the-art gas burner technology across our range of gas stoves and fires, and the latest in ecodesign energy saving features on our electric stoves and fires, you can enjoy our range of beautiful products all with low running costs and high efficiency.

Thermostatic Heating

Gazco’s collection of beautiful gas and electric stoves and fires are all available with remote controls, with some offering an upgraded handset complete with programmable thermostatic heating features. This means that not only do you have full control over your appliance from the comfort of your armchair, but if preferred you can simply set your desired temperature and let your appliance do the rest. Your stove or fire will warm your room to your set temperature in the most energy efficient way possible, and once reached will control its heat output automatically to maintain it.

Open Window Detection

All Gazco electric stoves and fires come complete with open window detection, a feature which automatically switches off the heat output should it detect a sudden drop in temperature such as that caused by an open window. This useful energy saving feature is designed to minimise wasted energy, and to resume the heat all you need to do is close the window or simply press the button on the remote.

No chimney? No problem!

If your home doesn’t have a chimney, many Gazco gas stoves and fires are available for use with a balanced flue, increasing the installation possibilities. A twin wall balanced flue exits through an external wall to the outside doubles up as an air intake, as well as removing combustion gases.

Easy Installations

Several Gazco gas stoves (such as the Loft, Vogue, Sheraton 5 and Chesterfield 5) are able to be installed with a simple linerless kit, reducing time and costs. Please visit the technical documents on our website for further information and specifications. Find a product

Did you know? Many Gazco gas stoves and fires don’t require a mains electricity connection for ignition, which means they can be used even in the event of a powercut. For more details and to see if your model is one of them, please check your user manual or speak to your local Gazco retailer to find out more.

Moving home?

Moving home can be a stressful time, but don’t forget the beauty of a gas or electric stove is that in many cases you can take it with you to your new property. Of course, you’ll still need to move your energy utilities to your new address, but even this can be made simple and easy using a switching service like papernest.

Are there any other options?

While a gas fire or electric stove is a stellar choice for people who value ultimate convenience, if the idea of living off-grid is worth the extra effort for your zonal heating needs, then a wood burning stove could be a great option. If this sounds like you, we’d recommend checking out our article on how to choose the right wood burning or multi fuel stove for you.

Where can I buy a Gazco stove or fire?

The best place to purchase a new high-efficiency Gazco gas or electric appliance is through your local expert retailer.
Whether you are looking for a contemporary or traditionally styled fire or stove, Gazco has a wide range of highly efficient electric and gas models to suit your budget and home. To find out more please speak to your expert Gazco retailer.

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*Based on Sheraton 5 Balanced Flue Natural Gas model, running at 4 hours on low input of 2.5kW. The costs presented are based on the average UK cost per unit of gas (including VAT) from 1 July 2024, for customers on the default tariff. Figures generated are for typical domestic consumption paying by direct debit and will vary based on actual household usage (5.48p per kWh, OFGEM, Energy Price Cap, Does not include any costs relating to product maintenance and servicing. Prices rounded to nearest whole pence.
3 Based on running the Logic HE Conventional Flue Coal Effect Natural Gas model at 4 hours on low input of 2.4kW. The costs presented are based on the average UK cost per unit of gas (including VAT) from 1 July 2024, for customers on the default tariff. Figures generated are for typical domestic consumption paying by direct debit and will vary based on actual household usage (5.48p per kWh, OFGEM, Energy Price Cap, Does not include any costs relating to product maintenance and servicing. Prices rounded to nearest whole pence.
4 Based on running the fire for 4 hours, with heat on for 50% duty cycle due to thermostatic control, and flame effects for the full duration. Based on the average UK cost per unit of electric (including VAT) from 1st July 2024, for customers on the default tariff. Figures generated are for typical domestic consumption paying by direct debit and will vary based on actual household usage (22.36p per kWh, OFGEM, Energy Price Cap, Does not include any costs relating to product maintenance and servicing. Prices rounded to nearest whole pence.

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Posted by on March 5, 2024

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